Seattle Public Schools

Restorative Practices Program

Community Organizations



如果您是社区合作伙伴,但不在此页面上,请联系Lian Caspi

CCS Unlimited logo

虽然CCS Unlimited目前没有与任何SPS学校合作, 有一个明确的愿望,即与父母合作,支持青少年的学业成功.

欲望是与各种实体一起工作, discipline board, PTSA, 非裔美国男性成就和其他支持父母和年轻人的组织.

CCS Unlimited是一个恢复性组织,其使命是: 

  • 在每个社区建立恢复信标
  • 将恢复性循环正常化,作为一种存在方式, 
  • 支持建设守圈能力建设

Learn more about CCS Unlimited

Contact CCS Unlimited at

Collective Justice

集体正义源于与幸存者的多次对话, community members, 以及直接受到多种形式暴力影响的在押人员. They all came together to express the need for spaces and practices that focus on healing and not further harming and isolating each other. Community activists and organizers met with the Black Prisoners Caucus and Concerned Lifers Organization at Monroe Correctional Complex to discuss Restorative Justice programming. Many members expressed the desire for any opportunity to express remorse and make amends for the harms they caused and saw learning Restorative Justice practices as a way to continue their accountability and healing journeys.

Their purpose is to support communities most impacted by interpersonal and state violence to build movements for safety and justice rooted in racial justice and collective liberation.

Learn More About Collective Justice

串连点点滴滴,学校解放集体. 为教育工作者提供创造性学习体验,培养恢复性学习环境

Connect The Dots is a school liberation framework that facilitates 为教育工作者提供创造性学习体验,培养恢复性学习环境. They bring their lived and Seattle Public Schools experience together to raise consciousness and foster capabilities to implement Liberatory practices through the Connect The Dots School Liberation Framework. Connect the Dots的研讨会与文化相关,体验,反思和响应. 当我们联系在一起时,学生也会联系在一起.

This year, 达利莎·菲利普斯(Dalisha Phillips)将主持每月一次的研讨会,为学校领导提供指导, 从学校管理人员到支持人员, 在学校理解和实施恢复性实践. 通过恢复性树的比喻, 这些讲习班将涵盖学校恢复性做法的关键要素, such as culture, mindset, processes, practices, and maintenance. The framework provides the context and tools for schools to disrupt punitive approaches to discipline while engaging young people in the co-creation of a safe and welcoming learning environment.

This school year (22-23) Restorative Practice based deep dive professional development and direct service are present at Franklin HS, Sanislo Elementary, and Olympic Hills Elementary. In previous years I have offered Restorative Practice based deep dive professional development and direct services at Washington MS, Lowell Elementary, and Madrona MS.


Staff/Adult Offerings

  • Monthly professional development workshops on liberatory restorative practices – 90 minute to 2 hours sessions.
  • 每周或每两周进行一次恢复性正念和冥想练习,每次1小时.
  • 如有需要,与大楼领导进行自由恢复练习咨询- 1小时.
  • As needed liberatory restorative circle facilitation with specific educators or groups of building stakeholders navigating change, challenge, and/or conflict (e.g.(PTSA,辅助教育工作者,支持人员)- 1至2小时的课程.

Student/Youth Offerings

  • Weekly or bi-weekly student focused art therapy groups for up to 10 students during or after school – 1 hour or class period.

General offerings:

  • Weekly or bi-weekly
    • 每名学生辅导10-12周,每节课1小时.
  • As needed:
    • Liberatory restorative circle facilitation with specific classrooms or groups of students navigating change, challenge, 和/或冲突——1 - 2小时的会话.

Learn more about Connect the Dots

Contact Connect the Dots at

City of Seattle logo

DEEL为整个SPS的学校提供与实施Levy计划相关的各种能力的支持. 通常,这些计划包括恢复性实践.

There are 5 schools that receive funding support that is specifically related to the implementation of Restorative practices/justice.

Learn more about DEEL

Contact DEEL at

Huayruro is supporting Garfield High School, Ingraham High School, Rainier Beach High School, Arbor Heights Elementary School and Seattle World School 在许多方面,包括:

  • Faculty/Staff Trainings
  • Team-building
  • Restorative Circles
  • Healing Circles
  • Restorative Coaching
  • Restorative Leadership Development
  • Peacemaking Circles training
  • Conflict resolution
  • System change
  • Cultural shift
  • Intercultural development

除了直接支持学校的大量工作, Huayruro provided the SPS Restorative Team with a foundational training in Salish Tlingit ways of Peacekeeping Circles.

Learn more about Huayruro

Contact Huayruro at

Mari Shibuya logo

Mari Shibuya is a local artist who has partnered with Seattle Public Schools to interpret community voice and restorative practices through a unique, real-time creation, of a digital mural.

This digital mural by local artist Mari Shibuya reflects an early Restorative Program Team session from the 2021-2022 school year.
This digital mural by local artist Mari Shibuya reflects an early Restorative Program Team session from the 2021-2022 school year.

Learn more about Mari Shibuya

Roosevelt Alumni for Racial Equity

罗斯福种族平等校友(罕见) has been an active partner with the SPS Restorative Team in finding ways to support the establishment and growth of a Restorative presence throughout SPS and greater Seattle area. 虽然RARE目前不支持任何特定的学校, they have brought together many community stakeholders who are interested and motivated in supporting and advocating for Restorative practices in SPS.

The Restorative Practice Community Coalition (RPCC) is a community-based entity that is growing in its partnership role with SPS and its endeavor to make Restorative Practices a part of the foundation and culture across all SPS.

Learn more about RARE

Contact RARE

Resolutions Northwest

决议西北目前不支持任何学校在SPS, however, 在2021-2022学年期间,他们是SPS修复团队的早期合作伙伴. 他们仍然愿意通过辅导来支持学校社区, 车间或其他有助于SPS恢复性存在的方式.


Contact Resolutions Northwest at

The Root of Us logo

The Root of Us, 由当地教育家和修复圈管理员Fernell Miller创立和领导, 是否有一个社区伙伴支持首届社区愿景活动. Fernell在肯特学区担任教育工作者超过35年. 目前,“我们的根”还没有直接服务于任何学校,但他们愿意这样做.

Learn more about The Root of Us

The Root of Us Events

Contact The Root of Us at

Solutions by Cadenas

Manuel Cadenas和Solutions by Cadenas为SPS和整个金县的几所学校提供服务. His efforts have included training school teams on Community Building Tier-1 approaches with an aim to go beyond “one and done” Restorative efforts to exist within a lasting community of support.

These Tier-1 supports include affinity group work for scholars and their families and serving as an advisor to leadership teams. 而卡德纳斯的努力目前正在 TOPS K-8 and Hazel Wolf K-8曼努埃尔与许多学校建立了合作关系.

卡德纳斯的努力的具体希望是促进Tseaut的存在, 塔吉什语和特林吉特语的恢复方式在所有教室中忠实地实施.


Contact Solutions by Cadenas at

Sound Supports logo

Sound Supports is working with 康科德小学,英格拉姆高中和惠特曼中学 在一些恢复性能力,包括:恢复性训练, coaching and technical support.

Learn more about Sound Supports

Contact Sound Supports at

South End Stories

South End Stories is a trauma-informed and anti-racist arts education program serving students and educators throughout King County, Washington. They encourage critical thought to stimulate artistic expression and exploration of identity at the highest level of learning.

Through their work, 他们的目标是引导学生走向协作式的学习方式, 给他们提供工具,通过多种表达方式分享他们的故事. Currently, they are supporting:

  • Cleveland High School
  • Franklin High School
  • Leschi Elementary
  • Rainier Beach High School


Learn more about South End Stories

Contact South End Stories at


WA-BLOC partners with school communities to build student and staff capacity to implement school-wide restorative justice (RJ) practices with fidelity to a Tiered Approach. WA-BLOC目前与以下机构合作:

  • Emerson Elementary (year 4)
  • Pathfinder K-8 (year 2)
  • Levy-funded elementary schools in partnership with the 教育和早期学习部(DEEL)

WA-BLOC is also supporting the development of an ongoing community of practice for schools across the district in partnership with SPS to help build a community of support for practitioners and unified vision for RJ in Seattle Schools.


  • Coaching and mentoring staff through professional development trainings and participation in school-based staff cohorts/committees, starting with Tier 1;
  • 支持学校开发和实施Tier 1-3 RJ实践和系统;
  • 提供(k -5年级)第一层社区建设课程,课堂圈和活动;
  • Training students in restorative practices and circle keeping through an in-school cohort model called the ZONE, and;
  • 通过与学生和员工的修复过程来修复伤害

Learn more about WA-BLOC

Contact WA-BLOC at